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​The Guam Kingfisher

     The Guam Kingfisher, (Todiramphus Cinnamonia) once thrived throughout the forest habitats in Palau, Guam. Currently the species is down to only 124 individuals in various U.S. zoos. It is extinct in the wild, and is struggling to reproduce in captivity. It is the worldest rarest bird,according to the IUCN Red List. 

​Endangered, Why?

     Humans introduced an invasive species. In the 1940's-50's, there was an increase of cargo being delivered to the island of Guam. Because of this, a Brown Treesnake (Boiga Irregularis) poplation was born on the island. 

How you can help!

There are a bunch of different ways you can help out the Guam Kingfisher, and don't worry, not all of it involves donating money! Donate your time and volunteer!  Sign a petition and ask your friends to do the same! The options are endless!

IUCN Red List Catagories

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Least Concern

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ provides taxonomic, conservation status, and distribution information on taxa that are facing a high risk of global extinction.
Learn more about the Red List.
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